Posts Tagged ‘united way’

Greenview Regional Hospital: Giving Back at Lost River Cave, Bowling Green, KY

Dodging raindrops, staying hydrated, and strengthening ties with the community are how seven Greenview Regional Hospital executives spent their day at Lost River Cave & Valley on Wednesday, July 28th. As part of the annual United Way Day of Caring event, these volunteers worked for over 40 hours towards the completion of a security fence for boats and other equipment that is necessary for the day to day operation of the park.

Although a tremendous amount of effort was exerted at today’s activity, the daunting task adopted by the eager volunteers was not completed due to a spontaneous summer thunderstorm. Determined to see the project complete, each altruist offered to return next week to finalize the project.

Today’s work consisted of framing and preparing the fence for assembly, prepping the area for use i.e. weeding, removing rocks and debris, and determining specific locations within the area for the boats and equipment. The fencing that is being built is a much needed addition to the park that will keep important equipment safe.

We at Lost River Cave & Valley are so grateful to Greenview Regional Hospital for promoting the spirit of volunteerism in Bowling Green.

Check back with us next week to see pictures of the finished project!